Adapting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

Adapting CBTI

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This is a textbook aimed at clinicians (psychologists, physicians, social workers, therapists, nurses, etc.) who are either treating insomnia in their clinics or studying insomnia in their research programs. It is especially geared towards people already working in Behavioral Sleep Medicine and who already know the basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). This book picks up where all the other manuals leave off and addresses strategies for adapting and modifying the standard CBT-I approaches for a wide variet of different types of patients.

Buy it on the Academic Press / Elsevier website directly or on Amazon. List price is $150 for the full textbook, but discounts are often available, and anyone with an academic affiliation can probably access it for free through your institution on ScienceDirect.

Intersted in using this book for a class or seminar? Interested in a signed copy? Any other questions? Contact Dr. Grandner.

This is not a self-help book about sleep. This is an academic textbook about how sleep is related to health across a wide range of topics.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has emerged as the standard first-line treatment for insomnia. Patients are becoming increasingly complex as referrals for CBT-I become more widespread, and they often present with more than one comorbid psychological and/or medical condition. The busy clinician desires a reference book that they can consult to guide treatment based on the specific needs of the client in front of them. This book will allow for the clinician who is already familiar with the basics of CBT-I to quickly determine how best to deliver and/or modify it depending on the unique needs of their client or patient population.


Table of Contents

Part I: Traditional CBT-I Components and Delivery

1. Standard Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

Alexandria Muench, Ivan Vargas, Donn Posner, and Michael L. Perlis

Part II: CBT-I In Other Sleep Disorders

2. CBT-I in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Earl Charles Crew

3. CBT-I for Patients with Phase Disorders or Insomnia with Circadian Misalignment

Marissa A. Evans and Brant P. Hasler

4. CBT-I for People with Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Philip Cheng

5. CBT-I for Patients with Hypersomnia Disorders

Jason C. Ong and Matthew D. Schuiling

6. CBT-I for Patients with Orthosomnia

Kelly Glazer Baron


Part III: CBT-I In Psychatric Disorders

7. CBT-I for Patients with Depression

Jennifer Goldschmied and Philip Gehrman

8. CBT-I for Patients with Schizophrenia and Other Psycotic Disorders

Andrew Scott Tubbs and Michael A. Grandner

9. CBT-I for People Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder: Moving from a Disorder-Focused to a Transdiagnostic Conceptualization

Allison G. Harvey and Caitlin E. Gasperetti

10. CBT-I in Patients with Alcohol Use and Cannabis Use Disorders

Gabrielle E. Bowyer, Trevor M. Brooks, and Deirdre A. Conroy


Part IV: CBT-I In Medical Disorders

11. CBT-I for Patients with Chronic Pain

Leisha J. Cuddihy, Sara Nowakowski, Michael A. Grandner, Jessica M. Meers, and Michael T. Smith

12. CBT-I During and After a Cancer Diagnosis

Sheila N. Garland

13. CBT-I in Patients with a History of Traumatic Brain Injury

Erin A. Almklov, Guadalupe L. Rivera, and Henry Orff


Part V: CBT-I Across the Lifespan

14. CBT-I for Adolescents

Melisa E. Moore and Alison R. Hartman

15. CBT-I in Pregnancy

Anna L. MacKinnon, Ivan D. Sedov, and Lianne M. Tomfohr-Madsen

16. CBT-I for Perimenopause and Postmenopause

Jessica M. Meers, Darius B. Dawson, and Sara Nowakowski

17. CBT-I for Older Adults

Jaime M. Hughes and Jennifer L. Martin


Part VI: Other Special Considerations

18. CBT-I in the Short Sleep Duration Phenotype

Julio Fernandez-Mendoza

19. CBT-I in People Who Failed CBT-I

Michael A. Grandner, Denise Rodriguez Esquivel, and Spencer Dawson

20. CBT-I in Patients Who Wish to Reduce Use of Hypnotic Medication

Norah Simpson and Rachel Manber


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